Cultural Land Camp – Camp Melkiknay
For the past 6 weeks during Nipk (Summer), Indigenous youth from across Ktaqmkuk (Newfoundland) have been attending a cultural land camp at Beothuk Lake. Each week, youth were learning about their culture, being on and connecting with the land, learning new skills and creating lasting friendships. The youth were out on the land every day soaking in everything it had to offer them and also what attending Elders had to offer. The youth took part in medicine walks, searching for red ochre, cod fishing, building shelters, endless games of waltes, beading, dream catcher making, fire starting, and this is only to name some of the activities!
With the help of sponsors Marathon Gold, Government of Canada and the Town of Millertown, the camp was a large success with the youth and provided them with teachings and knowledge that will last a lifetime. It is with camps like these, that we are able to keep our culture alive and continue to pass knowledge and traditions on to the next generation of Mi’kmaq youth here in Newfoundland and Labrador. Overall, the youth “Experienced Qalipu” as they learned more about not only their culture and the rich history of Beothuk Lake, but themselves 🌅
To see photos of the youth “Experiencing Qalipu” at camp, please see our Facebook or Instagram (see below links)!